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The Complete Guide to Commercial Solar Battery Storage

Are you considering switching to solar energy to save money on power costs and help the environment? If you make more energy than you need, you might only sometimes use it all at once, so plan what to do with it. With a commercial solar battery storage system, you can store excess energy and use it during power outages or at night and in cloudy weather.

Geography, climate, society, and way of life are just some of the things that can change how much electricity people use. The busiest time for power use in the US is in the summer when sun energy production is low. Also, homes that are empty during the day might use more power at night than during the day. We need better storage technologies like solar batteries to close the gap between how much energy we need and how much we can store.

Solar battery installation to your system can improve it and give you more options. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to solar power or have been using it for a long time. Please continue reading to learn more about solar batteries and how they benefit commercial solar panel system.

What are Solar Batteries and How do they Work?

commercial solar battery storage

Solar batteries changed everything about the solar business and how we use energy. Learn everything you need to know about these cool gadgets.

Without a means to store the electricity generated by solar panels, solar energy would be impractical for everyday use. Without energy storage, appliances would only work during the day when there is sunlight, leaving them unused at night. This would result in wasted energy and limited functionality.

Solar batteries address this issue by storing excess energy produced by solar panels for later use. Solar panels can provide power using solar energy at night or with limited sunlight. This allows for a consistent supply of electricity even in the dark. Solar batteries help you be independent from utility companies and have power during outages, freeing you from the grid.

Whether electricity is generated by solar panels or sourced from the utility grid, on-site solar batteries are a backup reserve, storing surplus energy for future use. This stored energy can then be discharged to power your business operations or returned to the grid.

Integrating solar batteries typically involves commissioning or integrating a new solar project into an existing photovoltaic (PV) system. During the day, your company can use solar power from panels. Batteries can store extra electricity instead of sending it back to the grid. You can use the stored energy to keep things running when there isn’t much sunlight so your operations can continue smoothly.

Commercial Solar Battery Storage

You can buy electricity from the grid when your solar panels and batteries aren’t generating power. You can use grid electricity or recharge your batteries for your business. This choice depends on your current needs. 

If you need a power source, you can use grid electricity. You can choose to charge your batteries if you need to.

Instead of fixed battery storage near the breaker box, consider using electric vehicles (EVs) for similar benefits. Electric cars have built-in batteries to store and discharge solar electricity as needed. The amount of storage space you have depends on how many electric vehicles you have. Some companies use electric vehicle fleets to manage their energy and storage needs efficiently.

They are adding batteries to a solar system, whether old or new, which can cost more initially. The additional components and maintenance requirements can also be more complex. Some businesses might choose cheaper ways to handle extra solar power instead of traditional methods.

Net metering is a program in most states that lets you return extra solar power to the energy grid. When you use more energy than you need, utilities often give you credits that you can use to lower your future electric bills. Through net metering, companies can use the grid as a storage system for solar energy produced during the day. It saves them money because they don’t have to use as much power from the grid during busy times.

Even though net energy metering is easy to set up and use, more and more businesses are investing in solar batteries instead because they offer more benefits, such as energy freedom, durability, and lower long-term costs.

Applications Of Commercial Solar Battery Installation

Battery storage is a barrier between your business and the power grid in the above mentioned scenarios. It stores extra solar energy before using grid electricity, saving money without constant monitoring.

To further enhance these savings, businesses can strategically manage the use of stored power in their solar batteries. One common strategy is load Load, and another is peak shaving.

Peak Shaving:

Many utilities determine power tariffs for commercial and industrial customers based on their peak load during billing periods. This means having electricity when needed. It also involves regularly maintaining equipment.

This maintenance leads to extra costs, similar to internet fees. Businesses can lower demand charges and overall electricity expenses by identifying and reducing peak electricity usage through solar batteries.

One example is a city where school buses finish their routes simultaneously every day. In this case, batteries can be used on-site to reduce the sudden increase in energy usage. This can help lower costs for the entire city.

Load Shifting:

Businesses shift their energy-intensive tasks to times when electricity prices are lower. This is often when solar power is available. They also use batteries when grid prices are high. This plan helps businesses do the same work with less electricity during busy times, saving money on overall electricity costs.

For instance, office buildings with solar technology can use batteries and stored solar energy to power operations during peak evening hours when grid prices are high, mitigating spikes in consumption and associated demand charges.

Both peak shaving and load shifting offer practical ways to optimize solar energy and batteries, resulting in cost savings and increased efficiency for businesses with predictable energy needs.

Other Business Benefits from Commercial Battery Storage

commercial solar battery installation

For many business owners, the potential for financial savings is a compelling reason to combine solar energy with battery storage. However, the advantages of this combination extend beyond mere cost reduction. Here are several factors contributing to the growing popularity of this pairing:

Reduced Carbon Footprint:

Using solar energy, companies can make electricity from the sun’s clean rays instead of from fossil sources like coal, oil, or natural gas. This transition immediately leads to environmental benefits. Additionally, adding batteries to the system lowers its dependence on the grid even more, which saves even more carbon by delaying the need for grid power.

Reliable Power Backup:

Installing on-site batteries enhances a company’s resilience, particularly in regions prone to frequent grid interruptions. With backup energy storage, businesses can continue operations even during grid failures, ensuring uninterrupted workflow and customer service. This is especially important in California and Texas, where power outages have been common lately. More companies worldwide are likely to start using it as climate change continues to change weather trends.

Emergency Power Backup:

In addition to maintaining business continuity, solar battery storage provides essential emergency power backup, ensuring 24/7 access to electricity. This is particularly vital for businesses such as military installations, data centers, medical facilities, and emergency response centers, where even temporary power outages can have severe consequences. Solar battery installation thus becomes integral to providing critical services during emergencies.

Contact Solar Earth Inc. for Commercial Solar Battery Installation Services in California

Solar Earth offers best commercial solar with commercial solar battery installation solutions to individual energy needs. Buying solar batteries is an expensive up-front investment, but they pay for themselves over time by saving you money on energy costs, especially in situations and after dark.

Businesses can also get rebates or other benefits to help pay for installation costs. For example, the federal solar tax credit can save businesses up to 30% on installing batteries.

Solar batteries help make clean, renewable energy and provide reliable, resilient, and necessary backup power in emergencies. This makes them essential parts of modern energy systems for businesses that want to be environmentally friendly and work efficiently.

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Solar Earth Inc., with expertise and certifications, empowers your business’s for enhanced energy generation. Contact us today to transform your business into a sustainable, long-term renewable energy source.