How Much Does An Off Grid Solar System Cost In 2024?
There are many ways to start getting the benefits of clean, green solar energy. You can use the local electric grid to add to the power you already have to lower your utility bills, avoid relying on old equipment, and have a backup plan in case of a blackout. In either case, you can use a small solar generator.
To live entirely off the grid, you must make enough electricity to power your home all year. With an off-grid solar system, you can get power without connecting to the grid, leaving almost no carbon behind.
You should know that going completely off grid solar system cost much money before you decide. An off-grid solar setup will take some time to earn back its cost.
Your solar panel average cost will between $5,000 and $30,000, depending on the cell’s size, number, and quality. Government programs and tax breaks can help a lot with these costs, and you can get those costs back over time by not having to pay for energy.
By reading on, find out what you need for an off-grid solar power system and how to price and choose the best one for you.
What Is an Off-Grid Solar System?
A stand-alone power system (SAPS), which is another name for an off-grid solar system, is a system that receives energy from the sun and stores it in cells. The off-grid technology works without connecting to the grid. An off-grid solar system promotes a way of life that is focused on being self-sufficient and energy-independent.
Because of the high living costs and energy, more and more people are choosing to live off the grid. Using an off-grid solar system means avoiding when power is out.
Off Grid Solar System Components
The photovoltaic (PV) solar panels on roofs are only one part of a solar energy system. You must collect and change the sun’s energy to power your home during the day. It would help if you also stored enough energy to meet your needs at night and during the winter’s shorter days.
All the parts needed to reach this goal are in an off-grid solar power setup.
Let us break it down…
Solar Panels
The solar panels are the part of your system you will notice immediately. There are photovoltaic solar cells in each panel. These cells take in sunlight and turn it into energy.
Depending on how much energy you need to power your home and the size of the panels, you will need a certain number of them, affecting the size of your home. Unless you only have portable solar panels, you’ll need to put a bunch of panels outside your house, usually on the roof, and make sure they face the sun correctly.
Solar Batteries
Many people believe that solar power only functions during peak sunlight hours. However, off-grid solar solutions enable you to utilize clean energy at any time of the day or night, not just during peak sun.
The part of solar power that lets you use it when the sun goes down is the battery bank.
After four to five hours of sunlight, your solar panels should have enough power to power your home for the rest of the day. Battery to off grid solar power systems store the extra energy you get to keep your home running when demand is low. By adding more batteries, you can increase the amount of energy you can store and the amount of energy you can produce.
Batteries that can power a home when not connected to the power grid usually cost between $10,000 and $30,000, based on how much power you need.
Solar Inverter
Your car’s solar panels and battery collect and store direct current (DC) power from the sun. AC, or alternating current, is what most home appliances run on. This is also known as household energy. In a mixed DC and AC system, the DC power collected by the solar panels is converted into AC power for use by household appliances.
To meet your off-grid power needs, your solar power system needs an inverter to change the DC power into household energy. A stand-alone generator usually costs around $3,000 to $12,000. This will help you save money upfront and eliminate any compatibility problems that arise.
Charge Controller
If you connect solar energy directly to your batteries, they could get too charged, which would shorten their life and even pose a fire risk. A charge is an important part of your solar system for this and other reasons.
A charge controller checks and controls how fast electricity flows into and out of your batteries. It also ensures the battery turns off when the power level drops too low.
MPPT and PWM are the two types of charge controls that can be used in home off-grid solar power systems. MPPT charge controllers cost a little more, but they make up for it by being much more efficient. Some people think that PWM technology needs to be in style.
Charge controllers make your system work better by filling your solar batteries without overcharging or draining them too much. Most of the time, this part costs between $50 and $1,000.
Mounting and Wiring
Every part of your system needs to be linked to both your home and other parts of the system. You can fix solar panels and other factors in place with mounting tools. This lets you get the most solar energy for your home from the sun.
The wiring in your array links the panels together and sends energy to your home’s batteries, the inverter, and the circuit box. These are the main parts of your solar energy option that move energy around.
Most of the time, you can connect your solar cells in either series or parallel. Each has pros and cons.
Mounting and connecting tools should come with your solar panels and other system parts, so you won’t have to pay extra.
Factors that Affect the Cost of an Off-Grid Solar Power System
What’s the deal with the wide range of prices for these parts?
Generally, a solar system with more power will cost more than one with less power.
The total cost of your system will change based on its size, materials, design, and level of quality, among other things.
System Size and Capacity
Buying more solar panels and batteries will cost more if you want to get good ones. A 5 kWh solar energy system might be enough for your small house.
Most homes today need at least 10 kWh to be entirely off the grid.
The only thing missing from Power Kits is the solar panels. The kits contain everything you need to live entirely off the grid. Use the Power Kit Calculator to figure out what size you need.
How much capacity and solar panels you need to power your whole house with solar energy will depend on how big your home is and how much energy you use.
Quality and Efficiency of Components
Only some solar power methods work, as well as others. Currently, most photovoltaic cells are only 15-20% efficient. The 400W permanent solar panels from Solar Energy Contractors are great for fixed off-grid builds because they are up to 23% efficient.
Any solar that is 15% efficient is good enough to power a home without the grid because the sun is so powerful. But the more efficient the panels are, the more power they can make with the same number of panels.
It may cost more upfront for high-quality panels, solar cells, and other system parts, but you may only need a few to get the power you need.
Off-grid solar power systems made by reputable companies tend to last longer, saving you money in the long run.
Location and Installation Costs
IIf you live somewhere sunny all year like California, you will need fewer solar panels than someone with less direct sunlight, impacting your total expenses. Additionally, there are places where the prices of parts can differ from others.
The cost of staff to set up your system, also known as labor costs, can further influence your total expenses. While you can set up some plans yourself, you might prefer to hire professionals for installation. Remember to include the cost of labor in addition to the price you expect to pay for the equipment.
Maintenance and Upkeep
An off-grid solar energy setup costs a lot of money upfront. Still, a system that uses lithium-ion or LFP batteries should have few, if any, repair costs.
Good rigid solar panels usually last 25 years or more and only need to be cleaned occasionally. It’s always possible to hire a professional to clean and check your rooftop panels if you need more time.
Estimating the Cost of an Off-Grid Solar Power System
It can feel like a lot to think about all of these things. You can start figuring out how much something costs once you know what you need regarding output and saving space.
One good thing about off-grid solar energy is that you can customize your system to fit your energy use and needs. If you have the correct information, you dont’t need to worry about how to choose solar panel for your home.
Figuring Out How Much Energy You Need
Before you buy an off-grid solar power system, you should figure out how much energy you need. You can start by looking at your electricity bills to determine how much energy you use. Find your average monthly or yearly use from the past year, then divide that number by the number of days in a month. Based on how much you are using now, that number will tell you how much you need on average daily.
Off-grid kits like the Power Kit make it easy to estimate costs and cut them down. You can buy a system with all the numbers worked out for you regarding how much power it can produce and store.
It keeps you from having to guess or do math while you shop. There won’t be any compatibility problems because important parts like the inverter and charge driver are built into the system. Power Kits can be expanded up to 15 kWh if you need less power than that.
Costs Based on Type of Solar Roof
Solar panels come in a range of styles. They differ in size, output, economy, and how long they last. If you have little room on your roof, you will need fewer or smaller solar panels that work well.
Monocrystalline, thin-film, and polycrystalline panels are the three main types of solar panels.
1. Panels with only one crystal
Monocrystalline solar cells are the most popular choice for home installations. Besides that, they cost the most. Their efficiency rate is between 17% and 22%, which is the best. A monocrystalline solar panel per watt is usually between $1 and $1.50. This means a 6KW solar panel system will cost between $6,000 and $9,000. The monocrystalline solar cells can last between 25 and 40 years.
2. Thin Film Solar Panels
Thin-film solar cells are the cheapest and work about 7% to 13% of the time. They only live for 10 to 20 years. Most of the time, thin-film solar cells are not used in homes. They work best in industrial settings because they need a lot of room.
Each watt of thin-film panels costs between $0.75 and $1.10. This means a 6Kw panel system will cost between $4,500 and $6,600.
3. Polycrystalline Panels
While polycrystalline solar panels work well, they are less high-tech than monocrystalline solar panels. A 6KW solar panel system will cost between $4,500 and $6,000. Polycrystalline panels cost between $0.75 and $1 per watt. It is a cheaper choice for setups in homes and businesses. The efficiency is between 15% and 17%, lasting 25 to 30 years.
Panel Type |
Monocrystalline |
Polycrystalline |
Thin-Film |
Costs (W) |
$1–$1.50 |
$0.75 to $1 |
$0.75 – $1.10 |
Costs (KW) |
$6,000 – $9,000 |
$4,500 – $6,000 |
$4,500 – $6,600 |
Efficiency |
High (17%–23%) |
Moderate (15%–17%) |
Low (7%–13%) |
Life-Span |
25 to 40 years |
25 to 30 years |
10 to 20 years |
Seeing How Much Different Brands And Parts Cost
You can look around for prices on different parts or systems for your solar system now that you know what you need. If you want to build your off-grid solar power system one part at a time, consider both quality and possible problems with how the parts might work together.
If you want to do it yourself, look at all-in-one systems or individual parts. Compare prices, customer scores, and other ways to tell quality, like reviews from reliable energy sources.
You do want to ensure you’re getting a good deal, though…
But what’s more important is that you have the right system.
Taking A Look At Financing Options And Rewards
Getting financing from different makers and stores may help you reach your off-grid solar goals. That can make a big difference when you’re checking prices.
It will be a few years before the money you save on energy costs more than what you paid for off-grid solar. Loans can help spread out those costs and make the initial cost less painful.
Also, government grants can be helpful. Many US government, state, and local programs encourage people to switch to clean, renewable solar energy.
You can get a lot of help from the government to lower the cost of buying and setting up an off-grid solar system.
How to Get Quotes from Solar Installers
There are probably a few solar contractors in your area that you can pick from. Once you know how big of a system you need to set up, ask around and get quotes from a few different companies.
The company that made your system may have suggested installers and rewards that you should always consider.
Some systems come with detailed directions on how to install them yourself. Getting quotes from professionals before you do that is a good idea. You want your system to keep working at its best for many years. Getting installation is very important for that to happen.
Also, if you damage system parts during installation, your guarantee will not cover it anymore. Professional workers have insurance to cover these kinds of things.
How to Choose the Best Off-Grid Solar Power System for Your Needs
Now that you know what you need to know, you can start shopping for your solar energy system.
That first step from theory to practice can feel like a big one. But if you break it up into several more minor, easier ones, you can find the off-grid energy option that works best for you.
Taking a look at your budget and energy use
You must be able to make enough power before you can go off the grid. How much energy you use, the appliances you have, and the size of your home all play a role.
Think about the tools you want to use and how much power they use daily. The system size you need should depend on how often you use it.
The money you spend is yours. Only you can decide how much you can spend on the system simultaneously versus how much you can afford to pay over time.
Think about how much power you use and how much you pay for it now. Look into all of the rewards and choices that are out there.
Figure out how much you’re willing to pay. Remember, though, that if you don’t buy an off-grid solar system that can be expanded, it could be a costly waste of money if it doesn’t meet your needs.
Taking Into Account The Size And Shape Of Your Property
You can use ground-mount solar systems if you have a lot of land. Most people find that putting it on their roof is best. How you put your panels up will depend on many things, like the size and angle of your roof and the way it faces. As you set up your solar panels, you should be aware of any trees that might block sunshine from some parts of your roof. There are times when portable solar panels are better for you than a set solar array on your roof.
- Taking a look at various system setups and technologies
- Because of how they are set up and the technology they use, some methods work better than others.
- Think about what happens when you connect panels in series vs. in parallel, how an MPPT charge driver could help, and the energy and efficiency gains you can make with different setups or technologies.
- I think there are other ways to get the electricity output you need. There are many different ways as well.
- Ask experts like Solar Earth Inc or people who have used off-grid systems before for advice.
- There is help for you. If you talk to other people who use solar power off-grid, they can help you reach your goals.
- In addition, area retailers and installers often have a lot of knowledge they’ve gained from working with customers in the same situation.
- Be bold and ask people around you for help and learn from them. An off-grid solar setup costs a lot of money. Do it right.
It can take a lot of work to figure out how much an off-grid solar power setup will cost. You need to know how your investment will pay off in the long run and how energy independence and freedom will help you. Knowing how much energy you use and what kind of system you need to replace the power you get from the grid is essential.