Solar Earth Inc.

Single-Axis Tracker Vs Fixed-Tilt

This article aims to illuminate differences between the Single-Axis Tracker Vs Fixed-Tilt systems, covering facets such as design, cost, and feasibility. How can you discern which racking system suits your site best? Is there ample space for installation? What ongoing maintenance does each of these systems require? Let’s delve into the specifics, starting with a comprehensive exploration of the cost aspect.

Comparing Efficiency Between Single-Axis Tracker Vs Fixed-Tilt

Single-Axis Tracker Vs Fixed-Tilt

Simply put, a single-axis tracker surpasses a fixed-tilt rack in harnessing more direct sunlight, increasing energy production. This effectiveness stems from the system’s ability to follow the sun’s movements throughout the day dynamically. Comparative studies show that single-axis trackers enhance site production by approximately 15% to 25% compared to fixed-tilt systems. Various factors, such as sun exposure, climate conditions, land costs, installation, maintenance fees, and the number of panels, influence this boost in energy production. Despite these considerations, the single-axis tracker consistently outperforms, delivering a higher financial rate of return.

Solar Racking Costs: Fixed-Tilt vs. Trackers – System, Construction, and Maintenance

While the production gains of single-axis trackers are noteworthy, weighing the additional installation and maintenance costs associated with these systems is crucial. Capital costs for fixed-tilt systems are generally lower than those for solar trackers, but their overall performance is also lower. When factoring fixed and variable costs into a comprehensive measurement, the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) for single-axis tracking systems is often lower than that of fixed-tilt systems.

It’s worth noting that fixed-tilt racking systems typically incur fewer long-term operational costs due to their lack of moving parts and the absence of associated electronics and drivetrain, compared to single-axis tracking systems. Both systems require routine maintenance, including vegetation management, snow removal, and cleaning. However, the specialized professional maintenance required for single-axis tracking systems tends to elevate their overall costs.

Single-Axis Tracker Vs Fixed-Tilt: Vegetation Maintenance


Regular vegetation maintenance is essential for both types of solar systems to prevent shading issues. Regarding single-axis trackers, vegetation can interfere with their drivetrain. This maintenance involves activities such as mowing, trimming, and tree removal, with the costs typically calculated on a per-acre basis of the site area. Optimizing equipment design and planting low-growth vegetation can mitigate these costs by ensuring sufficient clearance between the panels for mowing equipment access.

Snow removal becomes an integral part of the maintenance routine in regions prone to snowfall. While both fixed-tilt racking and single-axis trackers require snow removal from panels, alleys, and access roads, it is particularly crucial for trackers. This preventive measure is vital to avoid damage to the mechanical drive caused by heavy snowbanks. Thus, a well-planned snow removal strategy is imperative for maintaining the efficiency and longevity of solar tracking systems, emphasizing the importance of proactive maintenance practices in various environmental conditions.

Comparing Cleaning and Maintenance Costs: Fixed-Tilt vs. Single-Axis Tracker Systems

Regular or condition-based cleaning is crucial to maintaining the energy output of a PV array and preventing localized hot-spot failures. The cleaning process may involve a fixed fee and a per-unit area cost covering labor and materials. Despite its benefits, soiling can lead to annual energy losses ranging from 4.3% to 7.5%. In areas with high dust, pollen, or bird droppings, the associated cleaning costs may lean toward the higher end of this spectrum.

Single-axis trackers necessitate additional maintenance for their moving parts and associated systems to ensure ongoing effectiveness. This maintenance includes electrical components, controls, racks and actuators, monitoring systems, and battery replacement. For instance, regular Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) backup system checks are essential to verify its operational status in case of a power outage. Snow depth and wind sensors should also undergo routine checks to ensure proper functionality. Any malfunction in these components could lead to a failure in the solar panel tracking system. Proactive and regular maintenance of these elements is crucial to maximize the reliability and performance of single-axis tracking systems.

Space Requirements of Single-Axis Trackers

Another factor to consider is the amount of land utilized in solar installations. Single-axis trackers typically occupy more space as the rows are spaced further apart to prevent shading. While this wider spacing reduces shading, it results in a larger land footprint, consequently increasing land costs for developers.

On average, fixed-tilt systems generally need four to five acres per MW, while a single-axis tracking system typically utilizes about four to seven acres per MW. Despite the increased land usage and additional maintenance requirements for single-axis solar trackers, there is a silver lining – fewer panels may be needed to meet your solar power demands. This allows for optimizing energy production, even though higher installation and maintenance costs might be associated with single-axis tracking systems. The balance between land utilization, energy output, and associated costs is a critical consideration for developers when choosing the most suitable solar technology for their projects.

Solar Racking System Design

As cities and states embrace renewable energy to address climate change, certain solar projects will be implemented in locations traditionally deemed unsuitable for installation. These locations could encompass regions with undulating hills or slopes, obstacles such as trees, or challenging geotechnical conditions. In such instances, fixed-tilt mounting systems are highly effective, especially in diverse topographies, as they can be installed on challenging slopes and rolling terrains.

Loose soil, rocks, buried organics, and other obstructions can introduce complexity to installing a solar system’s foundation. Fixed-tilt systems offer a solution tailored to these intricate geotechnical conditions, providing a foundation that is easily optimized and resilient enough to withstand even the harshest weather conditions. This adaptability makes fixed-tilt systems preferred for solar projects in challenging terrains, ensuring reliable performance and longevity in less-than-ideal installation sites.

Solar Tracking Systems Thrive in Favorable Conditions

Solar trackers are good at making more energy, but the ground they’re on must be strong enough to move. They work best in areas where the ground is not bumpy and is mostly flat. It’s important to look at the kind of ground and how much energy is needed when deciding where to put them. If you check the ground and plan well, you can make these trackers work well in certain places.

Shading Impacts on Solar Panel Performance

Another important thing to think about when setting up a solar project is shading. It’s crucial to consider how far apart the solar panels are placed. For a single-axis tracker system, there must be enough space between the panels to avoid shading, which can slow down how much energy they soak up. Also, you’ll need more space to install a single-axis tracker system than a fixed one, even if you want them to produce the same amount of energy. So, paying close attention to how the panels are spaced out and planning the site’s layout is key to getting the most energy from a single-axis tracker system, especially when dealing with shading challenges.

Analyzing the ROI for Your Solar Racking and Mounting Solution

In short, fixed-tilt systems generate less energy over time while demanding lower installation and maintenance fees. On the other hand, single-axis trackers can produce more energy but come with higher maintenance and installation costs, along with a larger required installation area. A comprehensive evaluation of these factors is crucial when developing larger solar sites. This evaluation ensures the system’s suitability for the site but also aids in determining which system provides the optimal return on investment. By carefully considering these trade-offs, developers can make informed decisions that align with their energy production goals and financial considerations for a successful and efficient solar project.


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