Solar Earth Inc.

Santa Barbara Solar Installation

Nowadays, solar panel installation in Santa Barbara is becoming more and more popular among homes. Homeowners get benefits in several ways, including providing a reliable power source during emergencies like power outages. You can also receive tax breaks and payments from the government, state, and power companies.
Additionally, you may also enjoy cheaper electricity costs. Santa Barbara homeowners can use this helpful advice.

Santa Barbara Solar Panel Payback Time


First, let’s talk about the big one. How long will it take to get your money back for the service? If you put in 5kW of power, it will take about ten years to pay for itself. 

By all the rewards and tax credits (shown below), that’s how much money they won. Solar panels are one of the few home improvements that will pay for themselves over time.

Federal Solar Tax Credit

You can deduct 30% of the solar panel cost of installing a solar system from your taxes. If not, read our guide to the Federal Solar Tax Credit. Return to this page to learn more about Santa Barbara’s tax breaks.

Santa Barbara Solar Rebates and Tax Credits

A program in Santa Barbara lets people put solar panels on their homes, which makes it a good place to do it. The state requires electricity companies to rebate people who use solar panels. 

The three major companies, PGE, SCE, and CCSE, are all doing it, as are many smaller ones. The CSI rules can be complex, but contact a local solar company like Solar Earth Inc. if you need information on potential savings. We can help you understand and maximize your returns.

Santa Barbara Solar Tax Exemptions

Putting solar panels on your home will always make it worth more (see solar house value). Generally, increase the amount you save on your yearly power bill by 20. That’s a nice chunk of money! In Santa Barbara and California, the value of your solar system doesn’t affect your property tax. 

If you buy panels, you’ll get the full benefit when you sell. But it’s too bad that the walls and gear don’t have a sales tax.

Santa Barbara Net Metering

You can sell any extra solar power back to the grid and get rid of utility bills. The power company will send you an annual check or credit your next bill at the going rate.
You also don’t have to think about SRECs because the company must measure your output, so you’re taking care of it directly. Just let them know how to pay you for the extra. We can keep it if you need to tell them what to do

Best Solar System Installer in Santa Barbara


Solar Earth Inc. is one of the best solar installation companies among Santa Barbara solar companies, and it gives a workmanship warranty. We know solar panels’ composition, structure, and proper functioning, but very few know this. The mono-crystalline solar panels contain large logs of silicones whose processing takes place in silicon wafer formats.
Next, individual wafers are cut and placed on panels during the solar panel manufacturing process. The mono-crystalline material is one of the best ingredients used for solar panel construction.
Environmental and climatic variations are ramifications of high emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Excessive use of coal, oil, and natural gas emits them. Solar energy would be the best solution for all the energy crises the world is facing right now.
In the future, photovoltaic cells could replace half of all thermal electricity generation. Thus cutting down the carbon emissions of planet Earth in an expected percentage range of 10 -20% in the coming years.
Pro-renewable energy sources are needed at this time. Nevertheless, sensitive environmental conditions and climate change predominantly overtake the energy requirements. In the past, there was no eco-friendly and efficient energy system with many benefits, even with significant technological progress. However, the solar system has revolutionized this energy sector.
The feasibility of solar system-based PVs has compelled industrialized countries to install a proper solar panel system for generating energy. We are moving ahead with solar energy and pro-renewable energy sources.

How to Install Residential Solar Panels?

Roof-top mounted solar panels are not an ideal choice for residential purposes. The roofs are usually too less commodious because of various obstacles such as vents, skylights, chimneys, etc. A ground-mounted solar panel array always has high efficiency and performs more efficiently. 

Choose any location, even if you do not have space on the ground. Select the place with abundant and direct sunlight. Where weather conditions do not create havoc for solar panel arrays on a mass scale. The following are a few tips for installing a solar panel system

  • Find a suitable place for installation
  • Install a platform
  • Mounting of solar panels system
  • Wiring and grounding of these panels.
  • The setting of all the components of solar panels.
  • We check the testing and running of the system. 

Residential Solar and Battery Installations

Many people choose solar and energy storage to save money, make an intelligent investment, lower their electric bills, become less dependent on the power grid, or make sure they can keep using their energy when the power goes out.
These are all valid reasons, and we’re here to help you embrace a new lifestyle without breaking access to clean energy. Understanding your motivation is crucial to us. We’re not tied to any one maker of equipment, so your solar and storage solutions are made just for you.
Every home is unique, and so are its owners. Your budget, preferences, and needs differ from your neighbors or friends who recently went solar. We present options to install the right system for your home.
We handle everything – from solar and battery system design, engineering, procurement, and installation to utility interconnection. Additionally, we will assist you in applying for any available rebates.

Considerations Before Switching to Solar

  1. Check and investigate accurately the efficiency of a person’s home energy.
  2. Assess the available choices for having solar panel
  3. Accurately estimate your electricity needs
  4. Assessment of the target site
  5. Provide bids to the customer
  6. Understand the financial requirements
  7. Set up the agreements
  8. Work on installation
  9. Make effective use of solar energy

For more info about residential and commercial solar installation in Santa Barbara County, please call our customer service @ (805)691-8000.


Contact Our Friendly, Knowledgeable Staff

Solar Earth Inc., with expertise and certifications, empowers your home for enhanced energy generation. Contact us today to transform your home into a sustainable, long-term renewable energy source.

Get a free quote or Call at (805) 691-8000

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