Solar Earth Inc.

Commercial Solar Benefits For Industries

Despite the depletion of traditional energy sources and the environmental hazards associated with them, fossil fuels remain the predominant energy source in many countries. Industries that use traditional sources create a lot of CO2. Manufacturing alone is responsible for 23 percent of CO2 emissions from making products from raw materials.

Conversely, renewable energy, particularly solar power, has emerged as a viable alternative for businesses across various sectors with an eye toward sustainability. The price of solar systems has gone down a lot. It dropped by 14% from 2011 to 2012 and by 82% from 2010 to 2020. Solar technology improvements will make solar energy more efficient and cheaper, continuing the trend of lower costs.

Also, using advanced energy storage for solar panels helps make solar energy systems last longer. By transitioning to solar power, businesses stand to substantially reduce their operational expenses associated with electricity, yielding significant financial benefits over time.

Given these compelling factors, businesses have compelling incentives to invest in solar energy, driven by both economic and environmental considerations. Below, we explore which industries stand to gain the most from adopting solar power.

Industries that Can Get Commercial Solar Benefits

Commercial Solar Benefits For Industries


Agricultural businesses are using solar power to save money with grants and tax breaks from the Department of Agriculture.

Farms can use solar panels on their roofs to generate their own electricity. This helps them reduce their dependence on the power grid and save money on energy bills. Plus, those grants and tax breaks help cover the upfront costs of setting up solar systems.

Solar panels can power fans and coolers on farms, keeping animals like chickens comfortable all year. Solar farms can help the environment and show they value being eco-friendly by using cleaner energy.


Manufacturing industries often have high energy demands for operating machinery, lighting, and maintaining facility conditions.  So, turning to solar power can be a smart move to cut costs.

Manufacturers using solar power generate their own electricity. This means they rely less on the power grid. As a result, they can save money on their bills.

Many manufacturing plants have plenty of roof space, which makes it easy to install large-scale solar systems. And there are tax breaks too, like the 26% federal tax credit, which makes using solar power even more appealing.

Manufacturers can save money on solar setup by using clean, renewable energy, like other industries we’ve discussed. This not only makes their operations more eco-friendly but also reduces their environmental impact.


Commerce encompasses a wide range of businesses involved in buying and selling goods or services. Solar energy helps businesses save money on electricity. It also helps them use energy more efficiently. Additionally, businesses can show they value the environment by installing solar panels on roofs or in parking areas.


Educational institutions, including schools, colleges, and universities, can leverage solar energy to power classrooms, offices, and other campus facilities. Solar installations lower bills and teach students about renewable energy and sustainability. They are both cost-effective and educational tools.

Auto dealers: 

Did you know that energy stands as the largest overhead expense for automobile companies? Businesses using equipment like vacuums, lifts, motors, lights, and washers can have high electricity bills. However, by installing a commercial solar system, automobile dealers can significantly mitigate the escalating energy costs.

Investing in solar power can save businesses money, no matter if they are small startups or well-known companies. If you’re an automobile dealer considering solar installation, consulting with a local expert photovoltaic contractor can help you determine the potential savings.

Businesses in California can benefit from complementary, no-obligation consultations offered by solar system providers like Coldwell Solar. By learning more about commercial solar energy systems, businesses can make informed decisions about their energy strategy.

Data storage centers: 

Data storage centers need a lot of energy to keep servers and IT equipment cool and working well. Solar energy can help data centers by reducing electricity costs and improving reliability. It supports the industry’s move towards greener practices by supplementing grid power or serving as a backup energy source.

Gas stations: 

Gas stations can use solar panels to power lights, signs, air compressors, and car washes. This helps save energy and reduce costs. Solar-powered gas stations can reduce operating expenses, improve energy independence, and minimize environmental impact by reducing reliance on fossil fuels for electricity generation.

Healthcare (Labs and Medicine Industry)

Laboratories, including those responsible for storing vaccines, have increasingly turned to solar power. Cold storage facilities play a crucial role in maintaining the effectiveness of vaccines during distribution across the country. Pharmaceutical companies recognize the importance of a reliable cold chain for shipping and storing vaccines to combat disease transmission.

Solar-powered units keep vaccines fresh during transportation from factory to syringe, preserving their quality.

A notable example is Danish company Novo Nordisk, which allocated $70 million for a solar system spanning a 670-acre installation complex. Novo Nordisk became the first business within the RE100 group to achieve this milestone. Other prominent companies such as Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, and Biogen also belong to this group of renewable energy advocates.

According to a senior director and spokesperson from Novo Nordisk, transitioning to solar power for pharmaceutical laboratories and facilities aligns with the company’s environmental, financial, and social goals.


The hotels and restaurants industry often racks up hefty electricity bills, eating into their profits. By using solar energy, businesses can make their own electricity and save money.

Hotels using solar power save money and attract more guests for being eco-friendly. This trend is catching on in many restaurants and other businesses in the hospitality sector.

By using solar energy, hotels and resorts can power their lighting, heating, cooling, and other amenities. This helps hotels save money on utilities and attract eco-conscious travelers who care about sustainability.

Self-service laundry: 

Laundromats can use solar energy to power machines and equipment. This helps save money and reduce environmental impact. Solar-powered laundromats can reduce electricity costs, improve profitability, and appeal to customers looking for environmentally friendly service providers.

Retail stores: 

Retail stores can use solar energy by installing solar panels on their roofs or carports. This generates electricity for lighting, heating, air conditioning, and other store needs. Solar-powered retail stores can lower energy expenses, enhance brand reputation, and attract environmentally conscious shoppers seeking sustainable shopping experiences

Retail companies are taking the lead by using renewable energy. These companies are using solar power to reduce their carbon footprint and set a good example for other businesses.

Companies like Walmart, IKEA, Kohl’s, Costco, and Macy’s prove that big businesses can be eco-friendly and successful financially.

IKEA, famous for DIY furniture, reduced non-renewable energy use by over 300% by early 2017. This positive shift indicates that the transition to renewable energy is gaining momentum.

Solar cooler: 

Solar coolers use solar energy to keep food, vaccines, and medicines cold in places without electricity. This helps preserve these items in off-grid or remote areas. Solar coolers offer an environmentally friendly and sustainable solution for refrigeration needs, particularly in areas with unreliable or nonexistent grid infrastructure

Industrial Solar Energy Systems Advantages For Business

Stores and offices can save money by switching to solar power, just like farmers and manufacturers. It’s a good investment. The adoption of commercial solar systems presents an effective strategy for reducing overall operational expenses.

Businesses worldwide invest in solar power to save money on energy bills, not just in the US. Switching to solar energy is a wise financial decision for businesses. Saving money immediately is not just the issue. Also, it will provide long-term benefits.

If your company has extra space, investing in solar power can help save money on energy costs. By harnessing solar energy, businesses can enjoy reduced reliance on conventional energy sources, lower utility expenses, and contribute to environmental sustainability efforts. This makes solar power investment a viable and strategic choice for businesses looking to optimize their financial performance while prioritizing sustainability.

Commercial Solar Services Providers

In recent years, solar energy systems have gained popularity and offer a multitude of advantages for businesses. These benefits encompass cost savings, enhanced corporate social responsibility, and a diminished carbon footprint.

Businesses can learn from solar companies like Solar Earth Inc to use solar technology in their operations. This can help them gain benefits and easily incorporate solar technology. Solar Earth Inc has valuable knowledge that businesses can leverage.

By working with solar companies, businesses can make the most of solar technology. With years of experience, Coldwell Solar has assisted numerous commercial and agricultural clients in making the transition to renewable energy. Get in touch with us today to embark on your commercial solar project journey!


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Solar Earth Inc., with expertise and certifications, empowers your home for enhanced energy generation. Contact us today to transform your home into a sustainable, long-term renewable energy source.

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